International Intiatives for Cooperation | Aims
International Intiatives for Cooperation



The main aim of the project is to establish an IT-based support mechanism, such as an incubators,to create a sustainable network of CB area artisans and to unite their efforts and create an open market where they can sell their products. The innovative way to create this network is through various social enterprises that give vulnerable groups the opportunity to be social entrepreneurs. The project partners believes that through these social enterprises can employ more people belonging to the vulnerable groups mentioned above. The establishment of a ross-border cooperation mechanism as an important vehicle for resource and craft safety could bring most if not all stakeholders to the table. In addition to the benefits of providing resources and environmental security, it is also known that the cross-border cooperation mechanism can strengthen sovereignty in areas where borders have been challenged or poorly defined. The idea of cross-border resource cooperation ncludes various components, including the importance of biodiversity conservation and ecosystem-based management. As well as  hilosophical concepts of environmental law and sustainable development, such as the inclusion of all stakeholders and conservation natural and environmental resources for future generations.

This webpage has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The contents of the webpage are sole responsibility of International Initiatives for Cooperation and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union, the participating countries the Managing Authority and the Joint Secretariat.